Australia's Involvement in International Conflicts.

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Essay Database > History > World History
"Although the theatres of war were very distant from Australia, its membership of the British Empire ensured that there was strong (although not universal) public support for involvement in ... [World War I]. In 1914, Australia's Prime Minister, Andrew Fisher, immediately promised Australian support for Britain 'to the last man and the last shilling'." ( In 1915 Australia fought alongside the Allies (the major allied forces were the British Empire, …

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…asons (i.e. to show support militarily for the United Kingdom and especially the United States of America, as by this time America was a major world power). However the Korean war was not widely publicized unlike the Vietnam war, and thus is less remembered in world history. The shockingly (and regrettably) public graphic visual images pertaining to the Vietnam war is what make it so memorable and easy to relate to and empathise with.