Australians never should have been sent to fight in Vietnam because it just was not our fight

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Essay Database > History > World History
War. Always a fickle subject. Politicians always seem to rub their hands in glee in anticipation of what they can gain from it. Whether strengthening bonds with an already powerful country or to help fight another country's war in the guise of helping them, but with hidden agendas behind the scenes. Such is the case with the Vietnamese war, and our involvement in it. The then Prime Minister, Menzies, believed that we had to take …

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…our involvement in the Vietname Conflict was a waste of time, resources and Australian soldiers.They might have been right. They could have thought that It wasnt even our fight and that we were just over there because of a grave misjudge of the current situation of events and still have been right. But one thing is clear, Australians never should have been sent to fight in Vietnam because it just was not our fight.