Australians Against Further Immigration

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Pages: 8
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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
Australians Against Further Immigration OUR VIEW Environment Humanitarianism Economics Health Defences Education Culture Australia's immigration policy is disastrous, proceeding as if there is no balance of payment problem, no foreign debt and no geographical or environmental constraints to population growth. Continued immigration will finally and irreversibly alter the natural and urban environment, economic viability and attitudes and culture of our nation. The people have been consulted on, or given their consent to, the interwoven policies …

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…Australian life as we know it. And, as migrant numbers increase, there will be an escalating push for higher migrant intake which eventually will be unstoppable. OR Stoping mass immigration and attempting to live in harmony with our fragile environment, creating an economically and environmental sound, self reliant and self sustaining community, maintaining our quality of life and handing to the next generation a country to be cherished, and free from problems of over population.