Australian refugees: Isn't it ironic?

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Controversial Issues
"...For those who've come across the seas, We've boundless plains to share..." [Advance Australia Fair] No countries in the world have gone to such lengths to close their borders to those fleeing repression and terror. No countries turn back leaky fishing boats packed with hundreds of asylum seekers and refuse to take responsibility for the consequences. And no countries so openly violate their international obligations to refugees... That is to say, no countries except Australia. …

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…to represent more than a small part of the total population. In conclusion, whilst refugee rights might be an extremely emotive issue that separates the nation's beliefs, the policy on refugee intake needs to be reconsidered on the basis of: moral and humane grounds; the need for Australia to grow economically and culturally; and to improve our relationship with International bodies and other countries. * All figures from the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, 2002 (UNHCR)