Australian immigration policy and its relation to Asia

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Essay Database > History > World History
Australia is a classic country for immigration. It is an attractive country for migrants, with its friendly, multi-cultural society, most mild climates and a strong, vibrant economy. In the past 20 years Australia has "experienced large-scale immigration" from a new source of countries, particularly from Asia (Castles & Miller, 1993, pp.5). Australia's permanent immigration program has two components - Migration (non-Humanitarian) for skilled and family migrants and Humanitarian, for refugees and others with humanitarian needs (DIMIA, 2004). …

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…, date accessed 26/04/04. Offord, B. & Cantrell, L., (2004), "Module Two: Topic 1-Module Overview & Topic 2-A Brief History", Study Guide: Australia/Asia, SCU, pp.43-51. Papastergiadis, N. 2000, The Turbulence of Migration: Globalization, Deterritorialization and Hybridity, Blackwell Publishers Inc., USA. UNHCR, 2004, Protecting Refugees: Questions and Answers, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Switzerland,, date accessed 19/04/04.