Australian Migrants and their experiences in the 20th century- "Australia has not always been the lucky country for all its inhabitants in the twentieth century." Discuss

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Essay Database > History > World History
"Australia has not always been the lucky country for all its inhabitants in the twentieth century." - MIGRANTS During the twentieth century, migrants have faced many hardships and difficulties while trying to reside in Australia. They have primarily dealt with issues such as the 'White Australia Policy', which prevented them from migrating to Australia as they wished, as well as causing previous coloured migrant inhabitants to be forcibly deported out of Australia, a place in …

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…twentieth century, the migrants of Australia were regarded as Australian, and the cultural difference between the country's inhabitants were shared and experienced, rather than ignored. Multiculturalism erupted, making the migrants feel accepted, and as if they were home. During the twentieth century, migrants of Australia have dealt with both good and bad ordeals and issues while living in Australia because Australia has not always been the lucky country for its migrants in the twentieth century.