Australian Identity

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Essay Database > Science & Technology
Australian Identity Australians since the early part of this century has been preoccupied with the idea of capturing and representing an Australian distinctiveness - the much-vaunted "Australian Identity". It is a familiar irony that one of the most urbanised countries in the world (since at least the late 19th century) should have sought this identity in constructed myths of the 'bush' - the famous 'Legend of the Nineties' popularised in the writing of Henry Lawson, …

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…most Australians would like to bost of at least one convict in their family. I am happy to say that I have convict blood in me. The face of Australia is undergoing many changes and, due to large amounts of immigration, many Australians can boast quite a mixed heritage. Without a doubt, it is now possible to claim with some confidence that every nation on earth has now contributed genes to the Australian genetic pool.