Auschwitz Concentration Camp. What was Auschwitz like? What did the prisoners have to endure? How did the Concentration Camps come about?

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Essay Database > History > European History
Auschwitz Concentration Camp The word Holocaust means "Sacrifice by fire," and that is what many Jews, homosexuals, gypsies, and others considered inhuman by Germans did at the Auschwitz concentration camp during holocaust. On January 30, 1933, a man by the name of Adolph Hitler was appointed chancellor of Germany. Like many others, Hitler despised Jews because of false accusations that Jews were "the devil," and they killed Catholic children and drank their blood. On September 15, 1935, two laws …

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…museums around the world. Two major Holocaust museums in the US are located in Washington D.C. and LA, California. In Germany and European Countries, the remains of the concentration camps still mourn and smell of a horrible, cruel pastime (Bankier, Microsoft Encyclopedia, 1993-2002). Bibliography Bankier, David, "Microsoft Encyclopedia." Microsoft Corporation, 1993-2002. "A Tragic Legacy," Library Online. "The Camps," Stem, Ben, "Eyewitness Accounts."