Audie Murphy

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Essay Database > History
Audie Leon Murphy Audie Murphy was the most decorated American Army soldier of World War II. He was an orphaned son of Texas sharecroppers and he signed up at age 18 and went on to win two dozen military medals for bravery, including the popular Congressional Medal of Honor. After the war Murphy spent his wartime reputation into an up-and-down career as a movie actor, songwriter, and businessman. He wrote his war memoirs, To Hell And …

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…second most visited gravesite year round. In 1996, the Texas Legislature officially selected his birthday, June 20th, as Audie Murphy Day. Before I began to look up information on Audie L. Murphy, I had no idea who he was or achieved. Now I realized he was an important soldier in the war. I thought Saravia 6 it would be difficult to find information on Audie but I found too much and was confused on where to begin.