Atticus Finch (To Kill A Mockingbird)

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Essay Database > Literature > Novels
John F. Kennedy, George Washington, and Martin Luther King, Jr. were all noble, patient, and modest men. They were famous for all the great things they did. In Harper Lee's inspirational novel To Kill A Mockingbird, one sees Atticus Finch as one sees these men. Harper Lee shows the reader the great man Atticus is at heart. Although his actions may not have changed the nation, they did change the small town of Maycomb. Atticus …

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…He is noble, patient, and modest. He is a mediator and compromiser throughout the novel. He had the respect of the entire town, but during the trial of Tom Robinson, Maycomb turned against him. The citizens of this tight-knit community threw away their beliefs and fell in line because they did not want to be different from everyone else. This did not change Atticus Finch. This is what finally made his children proud of him.