Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
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Pages: 2
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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Biology
ADHD, the abbreviation of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder was first identified by Dr. Heinrich Hoffman back in the year 1845. Dr. Heinrich Hoffman was a German physician and poet who wrote a poem about "Fidgety Phillip" whom couldn't sit still. The poem portrayed a typical child diagnosed with ADHD. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in medical terms is a "syndrome", which means a set of symptoms which frequently takes place jointly. ADHD is commonly encountered by children
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playtime and bedtime encourage a structure calm routine through out these activities. Some ADHD patients use what is recommended by physicians as an aid to education, to help focus, and lessen distractibility. This aid is a medication called Ritalin. Parents should admire success, ignore failure, and avoid excessive or harsh criticism but like wise praise up and encourage your child or adolescent for the sake that he or she might have difficulty with the disorder.
playtime and bedtime encourage a structure calm routine through out these activities. Some ADHD patients use what is recommended by physicians as an aid to education, to help focus, and lessen distractibility. This aid is a medication called Ritalin. Parents should admire success, ignore failure, and avoid excessive or harsh criticism but like wise praise up and encourage your child or adolescent for the sake that he or she might have difficulty with the disorder.