Attcius Finch in "To Kill A Mockingbird"

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Essay Database > Literature
Atticus Finch, a lawyer, is a very compassionate person, and a person who is not afraid to challenge the unwritten laws of the South. In the trial of Tom Robinson, Atticus decides to defend Tom to the best of his ability. Atticus is given the trial by the judge and has the choice to defend Tom or let an inexperienced lawyer have the case, but Atticus accepts the case with a lot of thought. He …

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…choice. Mr. Tate was forced to Move Tom to a different jail, Calpurnia took the kids to a black church, and Boo Radley was affected by this because he had to save Jem and Scout when they were attend By Bob Ewell. Atticus's choice affected a lot of people not just him self, it shows to us that he is a compassionate person and a person who is not afraid to do the right thing.