Attaining zero population growth 2030 in U.S

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > People
I have never put much thought into the impact population growth has on our environment until I was given this assignment. I believe that political, economic and social obstacles have a serious bearing on controlling population growth and it would be possible yet extremely difficult to reach zero population growth in the US by 2003. There are three main factors that have an impact on the population, immigration, births and mortality. Immigration and birth rate and …

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…impact on the size of our population. It will take great effort to achieve zero population growth in the United States by 2030. We must put enormous effort into regulating the immigration process and controlling the amount of illegal immigrants who enter the United States, aggressively campaigning to educate our society on birth control and family planning, and major reforms to the medical health system so access is available to all those here legally and illegally.