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Essay Database > Science & Technology
Book Title: Atlantis Author: Greg Donegan Pages: 345 Setting: The book had four time periods in it. It started in the Cambodian jungles in the year 800 A.D. Then it goes to the Bermuda Triangle in the year 1945. After that, we go ahead in time back to Cambodia in 1968. Finally, to the present, where most of the story takes place. Characters Protagonist: He is Eric Dane, an ex-special ops during the Vietnam War. He has a …

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…met up with Foreman. He showed them some new pictures. They were of a large black sphere. Dane came to the conclusion that these got through the gates and were preparing to attack Earth again. Point of View The point of view that the author used: Third-person point of view Theme The theme is that no matter how powerful man thinks he is, there are certain things that he can't understand and hope to control