Athenian Democracy vs Canadian

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
Athenian Democracy Vs. Canadian Democracy The system of democracy practised by ancient Athens was a much better system of democracy than that of Canada. The Athenian system was more fair, a great deal more democratic, and directly affected ones life. The Canadian system of democracy falls short of fairness is a great deal less democratic, and it is hard to pick out the specific details that directly affect ones life. What must first be explained …

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…have grown used to democracy, and regard it as something that will never go away, almost taken for granted. Complaints about government are heard everywhere, yet no one makes an effort to change the system so it becomes more fair. Most are content complaining, as it gives them something to talk about. Thus, it has been proved that the Athenian way of democracy was much more complete and fair than our own way of government.