At the greatest level, what was the extent of the US combat power in Vietnam? Is the US better or worse off because they lost? Is Vietnam better or worse off because of the North?

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Essay Database > Entertainment > Movies & Film
The Vietnam War is not such an honorable and noble war for the US. It started as a war for independence, and then it turned into a conflict between the North and South Vietnam for the future direction of the country after the withdrawal of the French. However, the North was led by a nationalist, Ho Chi Minh, and the US viewed this conflict as communism versus the free world. It was similar to the …

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…people. More than 2 millions of Vietnamese soldiers and around half a million civilians died in the war, and the South's economy collapsed completely after the US troops left, and nowadays Vietnam is still one of the very poor countries in Asia. Therefore, it is not really possible to say if the US or the Vietnamese is better off this way or another. Vietnam War, compared to the Korean War, is not so forgotten after all.