Asylum seekers in Australia should be treated with greater respect

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Essay Database > Business & Economy > Management
Australia's treatment of Asylum Seekers has become a disgrace, from our violation of our international treaties, mandatory detention centre and violation of basic human rights. We have changed from a country which bases its ideal on democracy, freedom and justice to that of a country that refuses to accept refugees on the ground of humanitarian. The Australia Government should treat asylum seekers with greater respect, one will guarantee them life, liberty and values. The universal …

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…least treat asylum seeker with greater respect, something that they currently lack. Asylum seekers in Australia should be treated with greater respect. They are here on humanitarian ground and the Government should treat anyone in danger with basic respect, regardless of their social, ethnic or religious background. Treating refugees with greater respect is the least the Howard Government can do after violation of human rights, mandatory detention centre and their unfulfilled obligation to international treaties.