Asylum Seekers

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
Broadcast: 2/10/01 more embarrassment for Govt over Manoora asylum seekers the asylum seeker stand-off in Nauru is back to square one, despite what appeared to be a deal between Australian and Nauruan authorities. Earlier tonight, officials from both countries boarded the HMAS Manoora but a little over an hour ago, they returned to shore empty-handed. The lack of progress this evening is an embarrassing set-back for the Australian Government, which had earlier said it wanted to …

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…position. I argue for Afghanistan interests and I also protect Australian interests, as well, in the Cabinet. These people understand me and the reasons I give them is quite understandable. The Afghans in the Cabinet very understand people. So I have no problem with them at the moment. TONY JONES: Alright, we'll have to leave it there. Thank you very much for joining us and taking the time, indeed, to join us on Lateline tonight.