Assualt Weapons Ban Expires
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Essay Database > Social Sciences
Assault Weapons Ban Expires
On September 13, the ten year old assault weapons ban established by President Clinton expired. Resulted from the carnage of three California mass shootings, the federal assault weapons ban was created ten years ago. President Clinton signed the bill into law in 1994, and banned the sale of 19 specific semiautomatic weapons and ammunition clips of ten rounds or more. At that time, former Presidents Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, and Ronald Reagan all encouraged …
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…weapons. Also, flash suppressors and folding stocks, as well as other formerly banned accessories are expected to take off in sales. The expiration has quickly become an issue for the presidential campaigns. Democratic nominee John Kerry has not only discusses his $5 billion, ten year remodeled ban, but also exposed his "Sportsmen's Bill of Rights." President Bush on the other hand can only sit back and hope no tragic headlines pop up involving an automatic weapon.
…weapons. Also, flash suppressors and folding stocks, as well as other formerly banned accessories are expected to take off in sales. The expiration has quickly become an issue for the presidential campaigns. Democratic nominee John Kerry has not only discusses his $5 billion, ten year remodeled ban, but also exposed his "Sportsmen's Bill of Rights." President Bush on the other hand can only sit back and hope no tragic headlines pop up involving an automatic weapon.