Assessing Population Difficulties of Russia

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Sociology
Assessing Population Difficulties of Russia Russia is located in North-Western Eurasia, spanning 10 time zones, and covering over 17m sq kms. Russia was founded in the twelfth century, and throughout the ages was able to expand its territory, gradually conquering neighbouring principalities. Today Russia is the biggest country in the world, which impresses with its cultural diversity and size. (The World Factbook: Russia) Just like any country in the modern world, Russia had its ups and …

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…of South Dakota. 6 Apr. 2001. 16 October 2004 <> Kelley, Werner, Lurz. "Russia's Population Fallout: Suggestions". The University of South Dakota. 6 Apr. 2001. 16 October 2004 <> Mann, J. "A Grim Diagnosis: Russia's a Sick and Dying Country". Los Angeles Times, 19 May 1999. 20, October 2004 <>