Assess the significance of German Naval Expansion during the period 1897-1905 in the World in 1900.

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German Naval Expansion during the period 1897-1905, consisted principally of the construction of battleships designed to fight Great Britain in the North Sea. The First and Second Navy Bills, which were passed in 1898 and 1900 respectively, provided for the initial expansion of the German Imperial Navy. Internally, the expansion of the German Navy contributed to the sustainment of the German monarchy and the stability of the German economy. Externally it promoted "Germanism" overseas, in a hope …

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…Publishing Ltd, Great Britain. Rolo, P. 1969 Entente Cordiale: The Origins and Negotiation of the Anglo French Agreements of 8 April 1904, Macmillan and Co. Ltd, Great Britain Rose, M. 1999 The Rise of the German Navy Under the Influence of Tirpitz: 1890-1912, USA, viewed 5th of June 2005, <> Von Bulow 1930, Prince Von Bulow Memoirs, Putnam, Germany Von Tirpitz 1919, My Memoirs By Grand-Admiral Von Tirpitz: Vol. 1, Paternoster House, London