Assess the significance in a) The July days b) The Kornilov coup c) The delay in setting up the constituent assembly in affecting the position of the Bolsheviks.

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Essay Database > History > European History
<Tab/>The July days is the name given to the event where the Kronstadt sailors held demonstrations under Bolshevik slogans, such as "all power to the people." The July days had both a positive and a negative effect on the position of the Bolsheviks. Its positive effect was that it demonstrated their popularity amongst the lower social class through the fact that it was their image, their slogans, that incited them …

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…a legal rule. Hence, Kerensky's decision to delay the setting up of a constituent assembly further angered the masses, and united them in support for the Bolsheviks, for "the enemy of my enemy is my friend". <Tab/> From the above I conclude that, the July days, the kornilov coup and the delay of the constituent assembly, all had the effect pf strengthening the Bolshevik position in the view of the masses.