Assess the role of Ho Chi Minh on the growth of Vietnamese nationalism.

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Geography
Ho Chi Minh is undoubtly one of the most enigmatic and controversial figures in the history of the twentieth century. After thousands of years of social and political oppression, Ho provided a flicker of hope for the Vietnamese people and created a trigger for them to fight for freedom, justice and independence. Ho Chi Minh's leadership qualities and his ability to apply communist ideologies onto his country that was desperate for change, ultimately strengthened Vietnamese …

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…in nationalism after WWI, the independence of other foreign countries and the Declaration of Independence, built up to an enormous growth of nationalism which flourished under Ho's wings. He changed the outlooks of the people and inspired them the build a better future, and motivated them to stand up for their country. Thank you for taking the time to read my essay and i hope you could rate it and tell me what to improve :)