Assess how Trotsky lost the leadership challenge in 1924/5.
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Essay Database > History
Although Trotsky was seen as the superior replacement for Lenin, he lost the leadership challenge due to a host of reasons. Even though Trotsky possessed such great leadership qualities he was one to make enemies quite easily. Leon Trotsky could easily be viewed as being arrogant, or also looking down on others that he didn't view to be as intellectual. He also had the habit of being naive, and also thinking himself to superior to
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stance (such that he put forth in 'permanent revolution' after Lenin's death). It left him wide open to a lot of attacks both from within and outside the party which was also strenghthened by the general notion that he was an arrogant pig, and an abuser of power, if indeed power was given to him. For these reasons, Stalin became Lenin's replacement, instead of Trotsky. <Tab/><Tab/>
stance (such that he put forth in 'permanent revolution' after Lenin's death). It left him wide open to a lot of attacks both from within and outside the party which was also strenghthened by the general notion that he was an arrogant pig, and an abuser of power, if indeed power was given to him. For these reasons, Stalin became Lenin's replacement, instead of Trotsky. <Tab/><Tab/>