Assess British-American relations during the 1840's Included manifest destiny, creole affair, fifty four or fight, the caroline,The Webster-Asburton treaty .

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British-American relations during the 1840?s had a couple of disputes that could have cause war with Britain. The main things the British and Americans disagreed over in the 18 40?s were borders and ownership of territory. Because of the Manifest Destiny mentality of the Americans they thought that all territory to the west belonged to or would belong to the US. The main territory in dispute was the Oregon territory, which could have went a lot …

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…but they did cause tension. A good thing came out of this period. New boundary?s replaced old disputed ones and the US gained more land. The relations also improved when the British repealed the Navigation acts. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1.? The Conquest of the West ? Millbrook. 2.? The American West, and the course of American Democracy? Robert V Hines & John Mack Faracher 3.? Andrew Jackson ? Remini. 4.