Assassinations of Martin Luther King And Malcolm X

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Essay Database > History > North American History
Over 30 years ago, Malcolm X (1965) and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. (1968) were assassinated. In the case of Malcolm X, several members of the Nation of Islam were convicted of the assassination. In the case of Martin Luther King, one man, James Earl Ray, was convicted of the assassination and sentenced to life in prison. Despite the convictions, ongoing campaigns by the government, police agencies and various authors and pundits to put the assassinations to rest, …

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…ideas and the concepts that they had developed at the time of their untimely deaths. References Draper, Allison Stark. The Library of Political Assassinations, the Assassination of Malcolm X. The Rosen Publishing Group, Inc. New York. 2002 Sheppard, Roland The Assassinations of Martin Luther King, Jr. and Malcolm X. Holt Labor Library, Labor Studies and Radical History. San Francisco, CA 2003 Cone, James. Martin, Malcolm, and America: A Dream or a Nightmare, Maryknoll: Orbis, 1991. adil sattar ataf