Assasination of John Lennon.

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Essay Database > Literature > Creative Writing
The scene outside New York's spooky old Dakota apartment building on the evening of December 8, 1980, was as surreal as it was horrifying. John Lennon, probably the world's most famous rock star, lay still, suffering from four flat-tipped bullets blasted into his back. His wife Yoko Ono held his head in her arms and screamed. A few yards away a pudgy young man stood still, peering down into a paperback book. Moments earlier he had dropped …

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…Chapman: As he was ready to go to trial and his diligent public defender was winding up six months spent assembling Chapman's defense, the accused killer suddenly decided to change his plea to guilty. His lawyer was perplexed and more than a little perturbed. But Chapman was determined. He said he was acting on instructions from a "small male voice" that spoke to him in his cell. Chapman interpreted it as the voice of God.