Asian Gangs in North America. Fully cited. References included.

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The on-going problem with violent crimes committed by Asian gangs in North America has escalated over the past decade. When people hear of the term Asian gang, most people associate it to organized crime, which isn't completely correct. When using the term Asian, this includes many ethnic groups such as Korean, Chinese, Japanese, and Vietnamese to just name a few. According to "Asian Gangs: A Bibliography" by Bihn P. Le (1999), Asian gangs are a relatively …

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…of the triads: an Asian mafia flexes its muscle. MacLean's. v104 n12 p24 Runner, Paul. (2000, January 24). The death of Crazy Jimmy tells us a lot about Asian drug gangs. Alberta Report. v26 i46 p2. Winkel, George. (2001). Straightening out the bell curve. Available Zhu, Lipping. (1997). No Need To Rush: The Chinese, Placer Mining, and the Western Environment. Available