Asian Diaspora by Rumaisa

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ESSAY DETAILS Words: 10318
Pages: 38
(approximately 235 words/page)

Essay Database > History > Asian History
"Diaspora : A dispersion of an original homogeneous entity, such as a language or culture: the Diaspora of English into several mutually incomprehensible languages." [Randolph Quirk] 1-1-INTRODUCTION: Since ancient times migration has been an important part of human life and has helped in shaping human history and has thus become an integral part. In the modern times circumstances such as political, economical and technological developments have facilitated emigration in response to demand for skills, services …

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…to time. Continuous research and discussion and networking of the Diaspora groups, government and NGOs are necessary to carry out effective developmental activities. The poor rural people of the most disadvantaged states have less support of the Diaspora. As both the countries account for a substantial number of world's population, their socio-economic development will certainly have the potential to reduce global inequalities. The Diaspora community of these countries certainly has a major role to play.