Asia in de-colonization.

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Essay Database > History > Asian History
Indo China Indo China is a land east of Thailand and south of china. In the 19th century it was first a colony of France, but later in WWII Japan occupied the piece of land. After WWII French tries taking Indo China, war broke out because people in Indo China want their country to be independence. Indo China was divided in to 3 countries, which were Lao, Cambodia and Vietnam. Vietnam- In the north part of …

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…to hold the power of the rebellions. In 1957 Britain declared Malaysia as an independence country. The Communist groups mostly formed by the Chinese doesn't want to be ruled by Malaysia, so they left and form Singapore in 1963. Philippines- Philippines was a colony of Japan during world war two, philppines suffered heavy lost through out the war. After WWII Philippines were under control by the USA. In July 4, 1946, America declared that Philppines as an independent country.