Asia and the Pacific after WWII

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Essay Database > History
The situation that formed in Asia and the Pacific Rim after WWII was basically a battle between the West (America, capitalism) and the East (USSR, communism). The war created two super-powers in Russia and the USA. Russia immediately began to convert all their territory gained into communist puppet governments. This caused disagreement between the US and the USSR. The US then tried to suppress the spread of communism. This started the Cold War. When other …

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…history that are irrelevant now; they are a part of the world that we live in. The Cold War era was one that was full of change. The change caused a lot of disorder. It even caused a war. The rise of communism caused panic by the USA, and they prevented it, but they didn’t get rid of it completely, the scars of the Cold War era are still there. They may never disappear.