As I Lay Dying

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Essay Database > Literature > Novels
This essay was found at and should not be plagiarized In one of William Faulkner's greatest novels, As I lay Dying, the character's selfishness is revealed. As I Lay Dying is a detailed account of the Bundren's family trek across Mississippi to bury Addie, their wife and mother. As Addie is dying, all the characters go through a different state of emotions, all of which are explained in fifty-nine chapters. An analysis …

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…on the lives of an odd family during the 1900's. It is a bizarre, yet powerful story of a family's struggle to work together to resolve its conflicts. Modern readers can recognize the aspects of the dysfunctional family that Faulkner depicts and learn from the interactions of the unusual members. A critic remarks "Faulkner the humanistic realist is never sensational" (Bryfonski) 172-73) As I Lay Dying surely insured Faulkner's place in writing history. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**