Arugment Essay: Immigration

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Argument Essay: Immigration Even a brief glance at our nation's history shows that the United States, as we know it, was founded by immigrants. Since then our culture has grown through a succession of immigration waves. Immigration is cornerstone to the cultural identity of our country. However, immigration, as a political and social issue has been continually distorted through uninformed debate and media attention. Some look at immigrants as the personification and cause of many, …

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…Issue 1. Hill, Annabelle. United States Immigration Policy At the Millennium. Harvard Press. Pages 14-19. 2002. Magana, C. (2000). Acculturative stress, anxiety, and depression among Mexican immigrant farm workers in the Midwest United States. Journal of Immigrant Health, Volume 2, Pages 119-131. Varno, J., Golding, J. M., Burnam, M. A., Hough, R. L., Escobar, J. I., Wells, K. M. & Boyer, R. (1989). The American Dream: Mexican Americans in Los Angeles. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, Volume 177, Pages 202-209.