Artist Project

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities
The Artist Project Gail Goodwin One artist that I would like to investigate is Gail Goodwin. Gail is a photographer who captures the innocent beauty of children by using black and white photos classical and timeless effect with the incorporation of pastel colors to detail certain distinct images. Gail Goodwin has a instinct for capturing the most classical beauty at the perfect moment so that her art work portrays children in their natural comfortable behavior. …

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…computers. She has received international recognition for her art work and unique artistic sense. Gail Goodwin allows the person viewing her artwork to be swept away to imagine a story behind each photo. Today, Gail Goodwin resides in Northern California not far from her studio with her husband and two daughters. She still creates masterpieces of capturing innocent human beauty and tries to incorporate the beauty she brings out on film into her own life.