Artificial Intelligence

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Artificial Intelligence Artificial intelligence will help mankind tremendously in years to come. It shall make tedious undesirable tasks become obsolete to human beings. I chose this topic because it is a very controversial, modern topic. I also believe that A.I. should be explored deeply. This topic will interest me more as I learn about more technological advancements in the research I will be reading. The greatest problem that I will endure will be that …

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…the world. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography** References Dyson, G.B. (1997). Darwin among the machines. Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, INC. Crevier, D. (1993). Artificial Intelligence. New York: BasicBooks. Millican, P., & Clark, A. (Ed.). (1996). Machines and Thought. New York: Oxford University Press. Gillies, D. (1996). Artificial Intelligence: And scientific Method. New York: Oxford University Press Kirsh, D., Foundations of Artificial intelligence: The big issues, Artificial Intelligence, (1999) 3-30. Turner, R. (1984). Logics for Artificial Intelligence. Chichester, England: Ellis Harwood limited. Time-Life Books. (1986). Artificial Intelligence.