"Arthur to Her book", by Anne Bradstree.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
The Author to her Book Just as the seasons, and weather differentiates human attitudes and emotions tend to also. Anne Bradstreet makes the reader well aware of the indecisiveness of human attitudes as well as emotions in her poem, "The Author to her Book". With the literary device personification, along with metaphor Bradstreet relates the book to a child, of ill form, descending from her "feeble brain", and expresses the shame and disapproval she felt …

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…towel. After trying to repair the book time and time again, the last mood (attitude) she expresses with the reader is that of surrender. She acknowledges the reader of this with the last line of her poem, "which caused her thus to send thee out the door." After all of her attempts to keep the book from the public view, she had no other option yet to give it away, for it determined her survival.