Arthur miller

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Essay Database > Literature
A leading American playwright, Arthur Miller, b. New York City, Oct. 17,1915, has enriched the Broadway stage for several decades. Although Miller's dramas take place in familial settings, he has made a reputation for dealing with contemporary political and moral issues.Miller began writing plays while a student at the University of Michigan, where several of his dramatic efforts were rewarded with prizes. In 1937, during his senior year, one of his early plays was presented in …

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…son, killed in the Second World War, may have died as a result of his father's wartime profiteering. Miller's play vividly explores fundamental questions of morality, not least an individual's responsibility for his actions and the far-reaching consequences of abdicating that responsibility.Dealing with familiar Miller themes: family relationships, the 'little' man caught up in 'big' affairs, moral dilemmas, and disillusionment with the 'American dream', All My Sons is frequently hailed as Miller's best work.