Arthur Miller - "The crucible"

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Theater
The CRUCIBLE How does Arthur Miller prepare his audience for the conflict within the Salem community and the way they will come out A kettle with a broken pressure valve is the best metaphor to describe Salem's striving community. Arthur Miller effectively represents through act one all the characters of his play as a whole body moving towards a point of explosion, where " [...] suspicions and the envy of the miserable toward the happy could and …

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…manages to communicate the audience a variety of complex messages through his essays, people's actions and speeches, which prepares the reader/audience to the events that are going to happen in the next acts. Without this necessary 'introduction', it would have not seemed dramatic and credible the way in which the small village of Salem was destroying itself , carried by the immoral weight of using witchcraft as something to blame all their personal problems upon.