Art in Weimar Germany

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Essay Database > Literature > Creative Writing
The 1920s became a time of real cultural creativity, with developments in art, films, and many more areas. Otto Dix, Kathe Kollwitz, and George Grosz are three well-know artists at that time. They were considered as artists of social criticism and their art reflected the chaos after WWI. At the time, many people supported their art works because their art responded to the current chaotic conditions and criticized the government and society. And because their …

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…political. Their style was the mainstream of the art culture in Weimar republic because many artists were concerned about the unstable society and had strong political opinions. The best way for them to express their anger and dissatisfaction is by paintings. The artists at that time didn't have time to relax and draw beautiful sceneries because the society was chaotic and the government was weak. Therefore, the artworks produced in Weimar Republic were quite political.