Art and culture in between the World Wars
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Essay Database > Business & Economy > Accounting
History assignment- Discuss the flourishing cultural successes of Weimar Germany from 1924~1929
1924~1929 was recognized as "The Golden age of Weimar Germany"; hyperinflation was eased by the introduction of "Reich mark", unemployed population was lowered by a considerable proportion, reparation was eased, reconstruction was successful...Weimar Germany was in an era of tranquility. During that period of time, Germany developed its cultural entertainment greatly, especially in the areas of art, literature and film. But the developments all
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in social level was the same, the riot event reflects to all the revolts that occurred in Germany, the robot dictator was also a reflection of dictatorship in many countries. German culture flourished during the five golden years, many epic products were produced during that period of time, but it all went pointless when the Nazis took power; the torch in Hitler's hands didn't light up German culture more, it seared it merely into ashes.
in social level was the same, the riot event reflects to all the revolts that occurred in Germany, the robot dictator was also a reflection of dictatorship in many countries. German culture flourished during the five golden years, many epic products were produced during that period of time, but it all went pointless when the Nazis took power; the torch in Hitler's hands didn't light up German culture more, it seared it merely into ashes.