Art about the Sack of Troy
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Words: 1193
Pages: 4
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Pages: 4
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Essay Database > Literature > English
The study of ancient art has led to a lot of our known history about ancient civilizations, but it is not only the surviving works that tell the story, but also the ones that have not survived the years, which is the case with the tales of the Sack of Troy. Also the writings about these lost pieces provide today’s researchers with many other influential insights about ancient cultures. A comparison of a vase
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artworks, but also in the how each chose to represent the chara! cters that were involved in the Sack of Troy. One example is the difference in the depiction of the rape of Cassandra is in which the painters painted two similar scenes, but had very different intentions. The value of lost artwork from ancient societies is important because it provides new insight on how different people may have viewed the same event. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**
artworks, but also in the how each chose to represent the chara! cters that were involved in the Sack of Troy. One example is the difference in the depiction of the rape of Cassandra is in which the painters painted two similar scenes, but had very different intentions. The value of lost artwork from ancient societies is important because it provides new insight on how different people may have viewed the same event. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**