Art: Primitivism and Expressionism

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Essay Database > Literature > English
The art of the 20th century was indicative of revolutionized thinking and newly found perceptions of the world: the present preconceptions of nature were being challenged by scientists and artists alike, the Freudian researches were unfolding new levels of the human consciousness or the subconscious, and the aftermath of the world wars starved artists with the need to find the mechanism in which to disclose their inner most emotions; to realize them in some tangible …

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…Robert. Random House Inc. 1967 2. Fauvism and Expressionism. Denvir, Bernard. Thames and Hudson, Ltd. 1975 3. The Expressionists: A Survey of Their Graphic Art. Zigrosser, Carl. Georges Braziller, Inc. 1957 4. Derain. Diehl, Gaston. Crown Publishers, Inc. NY 5. Matisse. Jacobus, John. Harry N. Abrams, Inc. NY 6. Primitivism in 20th Century Art: Affinity of the Tribal and Modern. Rubin, William. The Museum of Modern Art 1984. 7. Art History's History. Minor, Vernon Hyde. Harry N. Abrams Inc. 1994 8. Artforms. Preble, Frank. Addison Wesley Publications 1999.