Art, Literature and Society fr

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Art, Literature and Society from 1955-1970 Fear and Loathing in a Clockwork Age Ah! The noble search for identity. That intangible achievement that all artists lust after and lay in torment over. And during the post war era that struggle reached incredible magnitudes. The world cried out for legions of anti-heroes, who were only virtuous in their unapologetic and brutally honest lack of virtue. And the art world provided as many counter culture messiahs as …

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…the power they had been denied for so long. While the average white male felt that his opportunities were becoming increasingly limited. This manifested itself in the formation of many counter culture movements. All of which eventually succumbed to or were engulfed by the mass culture. Because the truth of the matter is that as much as culture controls who we are, we control it by virtue of the fact that we make up society.