Art Imitating Life Imitating Art

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities
Art Imitating Life Imitating Art The late 1950s saw a new movement in the art world this became known as "pop art" due to the fact that the artists in this movement with this movement manly Andy Warhol and Roy Lichensten of the unites states as well as David Hockney and Derek Boshier of Great Britain, used elements of popular culture as main sources of their work. A good example of this is Warhole's screen …

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…did the more classic artworks. The Warhol image was intended to tackle the audience with boredom as an issue itself by making the images superficial. Usually, the objects were surrounded with space rather than pattern, extenuating this centre of interest idea Bondo, 1998 . Warhol used a separate style, in which little emotional involvement or identification is created. By use of this method, a statement is made, but does not affect the audience on a personal level.