Art Analysis - "Victory Girls" by Albert Tucker.

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Biology
In 1943 Albert Tucker painted 'Victory Girls', a very odd, gruesome reflection of society at that time. It was a feature in a series known as the Images Of Modern Evil painted in the space of 1943 - 1947. 'Victory Girls' is an oil on canvas artwork. The paint is applied thick and in long strokes, and is especially noticeable in the sky and clothes of the figures. Patches of paint has been used to distinguish the light …

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…to intrude and anger the local Australians and Tucker watched this happen and ended up producing many artworks based on how the society was changing for the worse. Tucker was influenced by the German Expressionism and Surrealism and he had used this as inspiration for his own works. Victory Girls could be classified under both Instrumentalism (because of its reflection of society and people) and also Expressionism (the unique symbols and way it was painted.)