Art- always beautiful? Critical writing.

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities
Many claim what is from the heart is art and that art is beauty. One of the many forms of art is music which I would like to concentrate on. Not only do modern musical pieces inspire and entertain masses but also have the ability to evoke somewhat negative emotions. Riots, murder-death-kills, drug abuse, either happening for real or only sang about, are frequent phenomena during the concerts all over the world. A great number …

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…It becomes doubtful whether the modern music can be referred to as an art form. There is no sign that it is created with intelligence or because of some aesthetic impression on the spur of the moment. Thus, the word "beauty" does not apply to some modern music at all as it rather destroys than inspires. These facts lead to believe that modern music should gradually be excluded form the definition of art. Marcin Hosner