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Essay Database > Science & Technology
Place In Periodic Table Phosphorus (P), arsenic (As), antimony (Sb), and bismuth (Bi) form a group of four elements in Group 5A of the periodic table. They exhibit increasing metallic properties going down the group. Nitrogen (N), which heads the group, is a colorless, odorless, and tasteless gas. Phosphorus is a highly reactive nonmetal, arsenic and antimony are poisonous metalloids, and bismuth is a true metal. Because of the arrangement of the outer electrons in …

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…the soil and water. Individuals with protein-poor diets or chlorine (of the Vitamin B complex) deficiency may be more sensitive to arsenic than the general population. Milestones Due to this, and to its being carcinogenic, but also because of the toxicity of arsenic and its compounds in general, environmental regulation is expected to become increasingly stringent. While this might adversely affect arsenic demand in the long term, it should only have a minor near-time effect.