Arranged marriages.

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Essay Database > History
Outline Thesis Statement: Arranged marriages have different forms mostly depending on the couples country, culture and social surrounding conditions; however, not all of these forms are acceptable, successful and respectable by many societies. I.In arranged marriages, the possibility of its success is unknown and depending on the culture of the couple and the type of this arranged marriage. A.If the couple is from the same region or society the chances of having a …

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…March 2003 <> Jyoti, Thottam. "A Suitable Arrangement." ON Magazine March 2001:36. Academic Search Elite EBSCO Host American University in Cairo Lib. 3 Mar. 2003 <> Merrill, Francis. Courtship and Marriage. New York: WSA, 1949. Xiaohe, Xu. "Love Matches And Arranged Marriages: A Chinese Replication." Journal of Marriage & Family August 1990, Vol.52 Issue 3. Academic Search Premier EBSCO Host American University in Cairo Lib. 18 March 2003 <>