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Essay Database > Society & Culture > People
Poverty is the parent of revolution and crime. This is one of the most profound philosophical statements ever made. Aristotle was influenced by the short upbringing of his parents, particularly that of his father, who died when he was only ten years old. His father was a doctor. Aristotle was raised by an uncle or family friend. Aristotle learned Greek, rhetoric and poetry from his guardian. This coupled with the biological studies with his father …

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…to resolve a problem it is relatively certain a reasonable solution will be found. Truth in the statement depends upon a person and their characteristics; i.e., pride, depression, anger, education, poor mind, poor person. A person may not need or want money for happiness. A person could have much money, but no friends/family with whom to share his fortune. He is, therefore, poor in spirit. Poor in body and spirit, poor in mind.