Aristophanes' Lysistrata - Example of Comedy Play

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Aristophanes' Lysistrata is read as a play. Based during the Peloponnesian War the plot is that the women will end the war on their own. The women, sick of the endless fighting amongst the country's will make an oath amongst each other that will in essence end the war and stop the fighting. <Tab/>The play opens with Lysistrata sick of the fighting, sending out messengers to the women of the …

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…These are questions that we don't know the answers to.<Tab/><Tab/><Tab/><Tab/><Tab/><Tab/> References Aristophanes (2002). Lysistrata. In J. J. Bierhorst(Eds.), The norton <Tab/>anthology of world literature (pp. 725-778). New York, NY: W.W <Tab/>Norton & Company.